A transcript provided to a court by a court reporter or transcriber will be available at the office of
the clerk of court for inspection only, for a period of 90 days after it is delivered to the clerk. During the
90 day period, a copy of the transcript may only be obtained from the court reporter or transcriber at the
rate established by the Judicial Conference. An attorney on the case who has purchased a transcript
(either an original or a copy) will be given access to it through the court's CM/ECF system during the
initial 90-day period, to allow for compliance with the Judicial Conference’s redaction policy, as well as
for the creation and filing of appellate briefs containing hyperlinks to the transcript.
After the 90 day period has ended, the transcript filed with the court will be available for
inspection and copying in the clerk’s office and for downloading from the court’s CM/ECF system
through the judiciary’s PACER system.
If you have questions about the availability of transcripts, please contact the clerk’s office through
our website or by telephone at (414) 290-2700.