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New CM/ECF Transcript Events Regarding Fed. R. Bankr. P. 8009(b)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Rule 8009(b), effective December 1, 2014, defines the responsibility of the appellant and the appellee to document whether each has ordered a transcript as part of the record for an appeal.  Both appellant and appellee must file the appropriate event, listed below, after each has filed the Designation of Record and Statement of Issues on Appeal.

Transcript Ordered Regarding Notice of Appeal. This event must be used when the party is ordering a transcript that is not currently on the docket.  The party must order the transcript directly from the transcription service provider (listed HERE) and make satisfactory arrangements to pay the costs.  The filing party should attach to this event a copy of the transcript order as a PDF.

Certification of No Transcript Ordered Regarding Notice of Appeal.  This event must be used when the appellant or appellee is NOT ordering a transcript.  The filing party should create a PDF and title it to match the name of this event.

For filing questions, please contact the Clerk's Office CM/ECF Help Desk (414-290-2700).