The Bankruptcy Court is pleased to announce the reopening of the Pro Se Help Desk located in Room 153 of the Milwaukee Federal Courthouse for in-person assistance with chapter 7 forms on Thursday, September 17, 2020, from 9-10:30 a.m. Unless otherwise announced on the Bankruptcy Court’s website, the Pro Se Help Desk will be open every Thursday morning (except for holidays) from 9:00-10:30.
Observance of the Milwaukee Federal Courthouse’s current COVID-19 safety protocols will be required for all volunteers and those seeking assistance. Please click here to access the Eastern District of Wisconsin’s General Order No. 20-18 Regarding COVID-19 Virus Public Emergency. Information about entry to the Federal Courthouse, masks, and social distancing are contained on pages 7 through 9.
Please contact Michael Keepman at 414-290-2742 with any questions or concerns.