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Disputed Ownership Funds

Effective November 1, 2017, the events “Motion for Interpleader Deposit” and “Motion for Interpleader Disbursement” are now available in CM/ECF. Interpleader Funds, deposited under 28 USC Section 1335, meet the IRS definition of "Disputed Ownership Funds" and will be invested in the Court's Registry Fund, pending the Court's determination of ownership and entry of a disbursement order. See FRBP 7067 and Local Rule 7067. 

The events “Motion to Deposit Funds into Court Registry” and “Motion to Release Funds” are also now available in CM/ECF. Registry funds, deposited under 28 USC Section 2045, will be invested in the Court’s Registry Fund, pending the Court’s determination of ownership and entry of a disbursement order.  See FRBP 7067 and Local Rule 7067. 

Upon entry of the order determining ownership and dispersing funds, the court determined owner(s) must file an AO Form 213 to ensure proper delivery of the funds.

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Sippel at 414-290-2710 or Erin Bareis at 414-290-2719.